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Lucks Yard Clinic

The chiropractic clinic that helps you keep going …

The chiropractic clinic
that helps you keep going …

Special Stars testimonial

We came to Lucks Yard early in 2012 with our daughter Florence. She had had a rough start to life with an operation to connect her oesophagus (TOF) on day four, open heart surgery to repair a VSD and PDA at 7 months and another op to place a feeding button and nissens for an [...]

Fit kids = fit brains

Children with higher levels of physical fitness show signs of having healthier and quicker brains according to new research published in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. Scientists looked at how aerobic fitness related to white matter fibres in the brain which allow connections between different regions of the brain and the fitter you are, the more [...]

Preventing DVT whilst travelling

A  cardiologist has suggested having frequent drinks (non-alcoholic) whilst travelling can help prevent blood clots forming.  The reasoning behind his advice is that you will need to go to the loo more frequently and therefore have to get up and move!  Drinking will also prevent dehydration which can be risk factor for formation of blood [...]

Chiropractic and sport

The use of chiropractic as a tool to help sports men and women overcome injuries is becoming more popular according to Dr John Theodoropoulos, an orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist practising in Toronto. He says: “newer methods used by chiropractors, such as ART (active release techniques) and acupuncture, appear to be helpful in treating [...]

Stretch your body and mind

The idea that our minds and emotions play a critical role in our health is not a new concept. Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, taught that good health depends on a balance of mind, body, and environment and recognised the importance of the relationship between the mind and the body in healing: "It's far more [...]

Ski Safe

If you are skiing this season, the British Chiropractic Association has some great tips to help you and all your party stay safe and happy on the slopes. Beware of Day Three! Despite common assumptions that a ski injury is most likely to occur on the first day Matthew Bennett, BCA Chiropractor and the first [...]

Best feet forward!

It’s that time of year again when thoughts turn from summer holidays to making sure that you have everything ready for the new school term. Have you noticed how your children’s feet seem to always grow in the summer!  And these days it is not just one pair of shoes that you need to stock [...]


CALLING ALL GRANDPARENTS – PLEASE COMPLETE OUR SHORT SURVEY! We are currently conducting some research at the clinic into the true health costs of looking after grandchildren. Here at Luck's Yard we treat a large number of older people and are increasingly finding that grandparents are being asked to help with childcare. This seems to [...]

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