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Lucks Yard Clinic

The chiropractic clinic that helps you keep going …

The chiropractic clinic
that helps you keep going …

Wishing you a pain free Christmas

Every year my front desk team ask me if we need to open the clinic over the festive season. And every year I tell them YES WE DO!  Something strange happens during festive season and we are often so busy getting many acute phone calls both before and after Christmas looking for emergency care. Why do so [...]

Curcumin (Turmeric) – the spice of life

Curcumin is the yellow pigment associated with the spice, Turmeric (curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family which is commonly used in curries and gives them flavor and a yellow colour. It is also found to a lesser extent ginger.  The active polyphenols in turmeric are known as 'curcuminoids'. There have been numerous studies [...]

Holiday health tips

We hope to come back from our annual holidays feeling relaxed and rested and ready to take on new challenges. But the reality is sometimes the opposite!   The stress of organising a holiday along with packing and getting to your destination is enough to cause tension in the neck and back and induce headaches. Long [...]

The Green Phase

An apple a day keeps the doctor away In chiropractic and manual therapies we believe in preventative care.  The Green Phase is the one we like to see our patients reach and maintain for long term stability.  This is where you are in better balance, alignment and your body is stronger. You can cope with more [...]

The Amber Phase

When am I ever going to get better? The Amber Phase is when the mechanics of the joints are improving and the swelling and inflammation is dying down.  You can move better and you may even forget the pain for a little while.   When you see your chiropractor it does not hurt as ofen anymore, [...]

Wiggle it, Waggle it

It's just a few days to before Get Britain Standing are celebrating their "On your feet Britain day" on this Friday 29th April. They have over 2000 companies signed up and are hoping over 1 million workers will take up the challenge to keep moving throughout their working day to improve their health and wellbeing. Why not [...]

Back pain advice for new parents

If you already suffer from back pain and are about to welcome a new baby, the advice is to remember to take care of your back. The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has found that the strain of lifting and carrying babies and toddlers can cause severe pain to parents who already have back or neck [...]

Does your back need a service?

In 2013 almost 31 million days of work were lost due to back pain with an estimated 2.5 million people in the UK suffering annually. The British Chiropractic Association estimate that 1/3 of us have to take time off work because of back or neck pain which is not only causing individual suffering but costs [...]

Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in the UK.  The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain and stiffness in your joints, which can alter mobility in affected joints and make it difficult to do certain activities. Symptoms: Symptoms may not be present all the time and can come and go in episodes depending [...]

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a common condition that can have a huge effect on the quality of day to day living.  It can make simple tasks such as bathing, dressing, driving and sleeping uncomfortable in mild cases to extremely painful in more chronic situations. Phases of Frozen Shoulder During the initial stage, often referred to as the [...]

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