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Lucks Yard Clinic

The chiropractic clinic that helps you keep going …

The chiropractic clinic
that helps you keep going …

The Luck’s Yard team share their thoughts on walking:

We are a keen bunch of walkers so thought we would share why we enjoy walking: Laura says: For me personally hiking is a simple, free activity that creates a huge sense of achievement (releasing dopamine), I love the views, appreciating nature, it gets you away from screens, phones, TV etc also where I do [...]

How does Laurie Harvey work with Anxiety?

How does Laurie Harvey work with Anxiety? This is usually the first question people ask me on our free discovery calls so I thought you might also like to know how I work with anxiety. First of all, I listen deeply to what makes you feel anxious it may be certain places, people or situations [...]

Choose the right footwear for your walk

As a podiatrist, Yvette has many discussions with her patients about the benefits of wearing good footwear and the problems that wearing bad boots or shoes can cause. These last few months in the UK have been very wet which makes it even harder to make good footwear choices when going out and about. Wellington boots are [...]

Walking for health

In the health awareness calendar Walking Month takes place every May and health advice is to encourage more people to get out and walk daily regardless of age. Often walking is not considered as a particularly ‘good’ form of exercise but it actually has numerous benefits for our body and mind.  So, if you are [...]

Have you tried walking backwards?

What are the benefits of walking backwards? Have you tried walking backwards also known as ‘retro’ walking? There are several benefits to changing the direction in which you walk but also some important points that you should note in terms of safety. But firstly the benefits: Builds muscle strength With backward walking, it's the opposite [...]

Green Hub open day – you’re invited!

The Green Hub Project for Teens has been supporting young people with social, emotional and mental health challenges for three years now. And we've worked with over 100 young people in that time!! We are delighted to invite the local community in for a look at our wonderful Green Hub Teen Garden. Open garden - 2pm [...]

Can what you eat affect your stress levels?

Fiona Hayers, Nutritional Therapist discusses how nutrition and diet can affect our stress levels How can what I eat reduce how stressed I feel? Palpitations, a dry mouth, sweating, insomnia are just some of the unmistakable signs of increased stress and anxiety. Everyone has experienced these symptoms at some point in their life and it [...]

Family Dynamics

Family dynamics- a guest interview for the Green Hub with Tone’s mother, Karin. We are excited to share that a family psychotherapist, Julia Goodall will be joining us in April and in view of this, it seems fitting to share two interviews Tone did with her mother in February 2024. Karin Backa Sigrell is a [...]

Are you feeling stressed?

Laurie Harvey explains what's going on when we feel stressed, how to be aware of it and what we can do to help ourselves. Stress can be described as being in a situation where we want something we can’t have or when we have something that we don’t want. If we’re emotionally strong and we [...]

Exam stress strategies

April is Stress Awareness month and although students can take a break at Easter, much of that time may be spent revising for GCSEs and A level exams which are looming on the horizon. For many young people exam season is nearly here which can cause all kinds of anxiety and stress! But are today’s [...]

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