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Lucks Yard Clinic

The chiropractic clinic that helps you keep going …

The chiropractic clinic
that helps you keep going …

How to avoid holiday pain

We hope to come back from our annual holidays feeling relaxed and rested and ready to take on new challenges. But the reality is sometime the opposite!   The stress of organising a holiday along with packing and getting to your destination is enough to cause tension in the neck and back and induce headaches. Long [...]

Mission in Posture

Chiropractors Tone Tellefsen Hughes and Daniela Colores Jardon from Luck’s Yard Chiropractic Clinic in Milford joined Year Nine students from a local school at their health and well-being day in late June. They wanted the girls to become more aware of body tension and how the body works including giving tips on how to prevent [...]

Sit down, stand up – more research

I recently wrote a blog highlighting Australian research that shows alternating between sitting and standing at work may help reduce pain. Luck’s Yard Clinic has carried out its own survey with a local company looking at how active people are during their working day, what musculoskeletal or other pain they feel and whether stress affects [...]

Help for damaged muscles

Research shows that the best way to treat post-exercise pain is to carry on exercising. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) appears between 24 and 72 hours after working out  and can be alleviated by light movement which has been described as ‘an internal massage for the body’. Many different types of exercise can result in [...]

Buggies and back pain

Tone passed this article to me that contains great advice for mums when pushing prams. However, having read the article I would definitely include dads too! Having to push a baby, toddler or small child in a variety of different prams, strollers, double buggies etc can have a big impact on the health of your [...]

Gym exercise improves lower back pain

Research from the US suggests that more than 80% of adults have suffered with lower back pain at some point. We now live more sedentary lives with many people – at all ages - spending too much time sitting at a desk or hunched over a computer keyboard. Although there are many causes of lower [...]

Younger people at risk of stroke

The Stroke Association has warned of a ‘worrying’ rise in the number of working age men and women having strokes. Despite the fact that the overall rate of strokes is reducing throughout the UK, there has been an increase in the number of hospital admissions from men aged 40-54 years old. Experts say that although [...]

Stand up, sit less and move more

Active Working is a Community Interest Company whose aim is to reduce excessive and prolonged sitting in the workplace. They run the Get Britain Standing campaign to increase awareness and understanding of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle especially long periods of sitting at work. Research has shown that the more you sit at work or [...]

Help is at hand!

The sun is shining and spring is most definitely here but it’s also a time when lots of young people have their nose to the grindstone busy revising for upcoming exams. The team at Luck’s Yard Clinic have lots of great advice for students of all ages and their parents  – let’s not forget how [...]

A pain in the neck

Chiropractors are warning that sedentary lifestyles and poor posture due to frequent use of mobiles and other handheld devices is causing a huge rise in back and neck problems amongst young people. The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) said that 45% of 16-24 year olds reported living with back and neck pain compared to 28% of [...]

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