“Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

Edward Stanley (1826-1893)

Continuing on from our Active Aging article we published at the end of last year (https://www.lucksyardclinic.com/active-ageing/), we thought it would be fun to share the reflections and ideas of some of our patients this year, who are over 60 – our Luck’s Yard Heroes.

They inspire us each week in the clinic with their wit and life philosophy as well as telling us how they look after themselves and their health.

We would like to share their life philosophy with you all and if you would like to share your ideas we would love to hear from you.

Our first Hero is Steve Day who has been a patient of the clinic for several years:

  • What makes you laugh or smile?  Everyday stuff – things just spark me off. But I do enjoy a good laugh.


  • What inspires you in life?  I’m not sure I’m an ‘inspired’ kind of guy – I just enjoy each day and look forward to what we have planned. That said, I love playing with new technology and seeing what it can do for me.


  • If you ever wake up feeling low what do you do to revive your sparkle?  I’m pretty consistent and generally always wake up feeling in a good place.


  • What is your favourite secret health-recipe?  A pint of Guinness and a rugby match! Does the trick every time. Seriously, I eat plenty of protein everyday and try to keep the carbs at bay. Anything that involves a hunk of steak will always get my vote.


  • How do you relax?  I love to watch sport – live and televised – socialise and listen to music. We follow several bands and are active concert goers. I especially loved going to our house in France and travelling generally. The beach in France – now that inspires me!


  • What is your most favourite book?  I’m not a book reader generally but I like to keep up with the Times and Telegraph.


  • What is your best quote?  My personal mantra is … “Don’t do today what you can do tomorrow. And don’t do at all what you can get someone else to do for you.” 


  • What would you do all over again?  Be a teenage county rugby player.


  • What do you think has helped you to be fit and healthy today?  I became VERY unfit and unhealthy when let my work and lifestyle get on top of me. Becoming a regular gym user – with a personal trainer – has made a massive difference. I work out pretty hard at least three times a week and I’ve lost at least 10 years according to my wife!


  • What advice would you have told your younger self?  Engineers don’t get paid as much as bankers!


Thanks Steve, great to hear your take on what keeps you happy and healthy!

Here are some of the articles we have done this year on active and healthy aging, super ager syndrome and the Luck’s Yard Heroes.






