Continuing on from our Active Aging article we published at the end of last year (, we thought it would be fun to share the reflections and ideas of some of our patients this year, who are over 60 – our Luck’s Yard Heroes.

They inspire us each week in the clinic with their wit and life philosophy as well as telling us how they look after themselves and their health.

We would like to share their life philosophy with you all and if you would like to share your ideas we would love to hear from you.

Our chiropractor Nic has nominated Rita who is now 102 and has been his patient for many years.  Nic says: ‘I am nominating Rita because she brightens up our day when she visits us at Luck’s Yard and we always have a laugh and a really good discussion. Rita is one of these people who inspires us to be more positive and also more grateful for who we are as she is always so cheerful and sees the good in all things’.

Rita has been helping for years in local charity shops and also in the Godalming Museum. We have bought and nominated the bench outside the clinic in her name so she can come and sit on it on the way to her shopping, but also for anyone else who would like to sit down for a while.

As you can see from her replies to us, she has a great sense of humour and a constant twinkle in her eyes.

1)      What makes you laugh or smile?  No idea!

2)      What inspires you in life?  Not being defeated by adversity, you get the better of it or it gets the better of you. I have had plenty of practice.

3)      If you ever wake up feeling low, what do you do to revive your sparkle? I am a naturally positive thinker so I seldom feel down. Don’t I sound smug?

4)      What is your secret health- recipeEating reasonable amount of good plant food.

5) How do you relax?  I try to live a calm life without the need to do anything particular.

6)      What is your favourite book?  I am not a great reader! So it would be a garden or a cookery book.

7)      What is your best quote? Enjoy being a giver rather than a taker.

8)      What would you do all over again? Nothing different!

9)      What do you think has helped you to be fit and healthy today? Leading a stress free life. Use time doing the things that matter and learning to compromise.

10)   What advice would you have told your younger self? Remember the world does not owe you anything. Make an effort to get what you need by hard work and do not be too ambitious.

Here are some of the articles we have done this year on active and healthy aging, super ager syndrome and the Luck’s Yard Heroes.