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Lucks Yard Clinic

The chiropractic clinic that helps you keep going …

The chiropractic clinic
that helps you keep going …

Advanced physiotherapy with Jecy

We are so pleased that Jecy has now started her clinic at Luck's Yard on Mondays. She is an extremely experienced Advanced Physiotherapist who specialises in different areas of physiotherapy. Click on this link to hear Jecy talking about her treatments: Please click on the links in our Services and Treatments menu to read [...]

Welcoming Physiotherapist Jecy Kunju Kunju

We are delighted to welcome Advanced Musculoskeletal and Neurological Physiotherapist, Jecy Kunju Kunju to the Luck’s Yard team. Jecy has a wealth of physiotherapy experience in orthopaedic, neurological and sports rehab. Her other areas of skill involve vestibular physical therapy and women’s health. She also specializes in vestibular physiotherapy in the treatment of dizziness/vertigo and balance/equilibrium [...]

Move Better with Laura

Chiropractor Laura Hack has been busy with her camera making films to help you on your road to recovery.  They focus on stretching and helping you to achieve mobility. These are easy to do at home and she not only describes the exercises but shows you how to do them too: Click on the links [...]

Feed your microbiome to improve your sleep

A little while ago we wrote about research that was undertaken regarding the affect beneficial bacteria in the gut has on sleep - the quality and amount that we manage to get. The current turbulence in our world also has a big impact on our stress levels and sleep is one of the first things that [...]

The Value of Good Posture in Children

posture noun “The position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting”  What does having good posture mean? The main components of good posture are those that allow your weight balanced over your centre of gravity (your feet) equally, sitting up straight and maintaining correct form when moving/exercising (Watson & C Mac, 2000). [...]

Introducing our new chiropractor Laura Hack

Laura Hack is a Surrey girl who was educated locally. Laura started her chiropractic journey as a patient herself after suffering for some years with a chronic illness.  Her father suggested chiropractic as a ‘last resort’ therapy and she has never looked back. After experiencing the benefits of chiropractic care first-hand – both mentally and [...]

What are patients are saying …..

We recently installed a white board in Reception so patients could let us know how they felt after their care at the clinic. We have had so many lovely comments across all the therapies and we are so grateful for everyone’s feedback! Here are some of their lovely comments: I felt happy – patient aged [...]

Are you listening to what your body is telling you?

We are all aware of our senses such as sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell but you may not be familiar with the term interoception even though it has a huge effect on our health and wellbeing.  Interoception can be described as another sense and it describes your brains perception of your body’s state, transmitted [...]

Back care advice for grandparents

We had a lovely message from a lady who had recently read our blog on back care written specifically for grandparents.  She wrote how useful she had found it so we thought it was high time we re-blogged it for all those who are looking after their grandchildren and maybe feeling the effects. At Luck's [...]

Activity, Exercise and Wellbeing in Children and Young People

Melissa Carter, our Family Life Coach has written a great article about the importance of exercise and activity for our mental health. In February 2020, research published in Lancet Psychiatry found that 60 minutes of activity each day at age 12 was linked to an average 10% reduction in depression at age 18. These activities [...]

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