Mike Marinus outlines how you can support your little one with their development:

As a parent, you want the best for your baby, and one simple yet powerful way to support their development is through tummy time. This fun and engaging activity not only strengthens their muscles but also lays the foundation for crucial milestones. In this article, we’ll explore three key benefits of tummy time and provide practical tips on how to make it a positive experience for both you and your little one.

1. Developing Strong Neck and Shoulder Muscles:

Tummy time is a fantastic way to help your baby develop the essential muscles needed to hold their head up, which is a crucial milestone in their early months. By placing your baby on their tummy, you encourage them to engage their neck and shoulder muscles, gradually building strength and control. As a result, they’ll gain better head control, which is essential for later activities like sitting and crawling.

Example: Imagine your baby lifting their head during tummy time, eyes bright with curiosity as they explore the world from a new perspective. These small but significant movements are building the foundation for their physical development.

2. Enhancing Gross Motor Skills:

Tummy time provides an excellent opportunity for your baby to practice and refine their gross motor skills. As they push up with their arms, kick their legs, and eventually roll over, they’re strengthening their core muscles and improving coordination. These skills will become the building blocks for crawling, standing, and eventually walking.

Example: Picture your little one reaching out for a favorite toy during tummy time, their determination shining through as they stretch and wiggle their way towards it. These seemingly simple actions are helping them develop the strength and coordination needed for future milestones.

3. Preventing Flat Head Syndrome and Promoting Sensory Development:

Another crucial benefit of tummy time is its role in preventing flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly) and promoting healthy sensory development. When babies spend too much time on their backs, they may develop a flat spot on their head. Tummy time allows for a more balanced distribution of pressure on the skull, reducing the risk of this condition. Additionally, being on their tummy exposes babies to different textures, sounds, and visuals, stimulating their senses and supporting overall sensory development.

Both Mike Marinus and Tone Tellefsen Hughes are paediatric chiropractors – you can book an appointment online or call our Reception team on 01483 527945