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Lucks Yard Clinic

The chiropractic clinic that helps you keep going …

The chiropractic clinic
that helps you keep going …

New Health Research

Here is a summary of all sorts of interesting research from around the world associated with health and well being that has been published recently: Prostate Cancer A Swedish study warns that men who drink one sugary drink daily may be at increased risk of prostate cancer.  The study that followed 8000 men for an [...]

Chiropractic and sport

The use of chiropractic as a tool to help sports men and women overcome injuries is becoming more popular according to Dr John Theodoropoulos, an orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist practising in Toronto. He says: “newer methods used by chiropractors, such as ART (active release techniques) and acupuncture, appear to be helpful in treating [...]

Layers of Tension

Unravelling tension that can build up in our bodies. Many patients who visit a chiropractor may reflect on what happens when we start to work on their soft tissues as the pain may change during the course of their treatment.  A frequent comment on the second treatment would be: “How come I can feel it [...]

Link between fizzy drinks and diabetes

Risk of diabetes increases with every fizzy drink Drinking just ONE can of fizzy drink a day can increase your chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes according to new research from the US. Scientists have found that calories from sugar, rather than any other food source, are much more likely to cause the condition. For [...]

Ski Safe

If you are skiing this season, the British Chiropractic Association has some great tips to help you and all your party stay safe and happy on the slopes. Beware of Day Three! Despite common assumptions that a ski injury is most likely to occur on the first day Matthew Bennett, BCA Chiropractor and the first [...]

Gadget pain

Are gadgets affecting your posture and causing you pain? Recent research by found people in the UK are spending an average of 9 hours online per day - that is 30 years in an everage lifetime. Spending too much time in awkward postures whilst concentrating on your screen could cause problems. In fact, research [...]

Winter Weather Walking

The British Chiropractic Association offers advice on how to avoid injury in icy conditions Icy roads and pavements mean potentially hazardous conditions underfoot and a rise in injuries caused by slips and falls.  It is quite natural, therefore, for us to be wary when walking outdoors and adopting our ‘ice walk’;  the problem is that [...]

The healing process

The healing process and how it can be incredibly frustrating at times One of the most common questions we get it at Luck’s Yard Clinic, is how long it will this condition take to get better, or why is it not getting better faster?  This is a million dollar question, but it is a little [...]

Healthy eating this Christmas

Is it really almost a year since we made all those New Year’s resolutions to get fit and eat well? And how many are still in place! This year why don’t you make life easier, and guilt free, by making some healthier eating choices during the festive period rather than waiting until after. At this [...]

Keeping your back happy over Christmas

The run up to Christmas is one of the most stressful times of the year and, because of this one of the most likely times for you to experience back pain. Tone advises that “many of us are stressed and rushing about trying to fit in last minute Christmas shopping, cooking, wrapping presents as well [...]

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