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Lucks Yard Clinic

The chiropractic clinic that helps you keep going …

The chiropractic clinic
that helps you keep going …

Eat healthy for stress support

When we are  stressed we often reach for a sugary snack to give us that comforting boost when we feel low and which feeds our reward sensors in the brain. Unfortunately that feeling is short lived and before we know it, we're grabbing for another 'hit' of sugar. However it is much healthier to choose [...]

Feed your microbiome to improve your sleep

A little while ago we wrote about research that was undertaken regarding the affect beneficial bacteria in the gut has on sleep - the quality and amount that we manage to get. The current turbulence in our world also has a big impact on our stress levels and sleep is one of the first things that [...]

Time to forage for berries

The hot weather we have enjoyed this summer is now literally bearing fruit!  The hedgerows are full of wild berries ripened to perfection. The blackberries are wonderful at the moment – juicy, sweet berries – it really has been a bumper harvest and free for the picking!  What’s not to like? Well, OK … a [...]

Back to school advice from Fiona Hayers

Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach, Fiona Hayers offers advice to help your children back to school/college for the start of the new term. With the start of a new school year only a short time away, is the prospect of getting everyone up and out of the door in time is filling you with fear?  [...]

Ten tips #10: What should my plate look like?

We are constantly bombarded with news of the latest dietary trend be it paleo (stoneage diet); keto; low carb; low fat etc etc. The amount of information about what we should or should not be eating can be confusing and demoralizing but it needn’t be that way. As I have written in the previous top [...]

Ten tips #9: Mix it up

Our Top tip #4 was to fill up on fibre for all the health benefits it provides, and this brings us onto the next top tip which is to increase the variety of plant based foods in your diet. We get an enormous amount of nutrients – vitamins, minerals as well as polyphenols and antioxidants [...]

What is the right age to think about bone health?

  Prevention is an important focus for every aspect of our body’s functions, and the health of our skeleton is no exception. Our skeleton, especially the vertebral bones & femur, handle a tremendous amount of force during our lifetime. To maintain healthy & strong bones there needs to be a precise balance between bone formation [...]

Ten tips #7 Spice it up

What better way to flavour our food than using the huge variety of spices and herbs that are available to us. They not only enhance the taste of your cooking but contain a myriad of health benefits too. Spices and herbs such as turmeric, rosemary, garlic, ginger and cinnamon are excellent sources of antioxidants with their [...]

Ten Tips #8: slow down, you eat too fast

We all do it to a greater or lesser degree depending on what life throws at us: eating on the go, snacking in the car or at our desk because we’re so busy and because time is precious - eating too quickly. But if you sit down at a table (not watching TV or using [...]

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