For those of you who may not be aware Luck’s Yard has a Youtube page which contains many short films of Tone demonstrating various exercises and stretches for the whole body.  Many of them were made in Sweden on a Baltic island filmed by most of my family, so there might be some birds tweeting in the background!

Here is a summary of some of the films we have created on Youtube to help you straighten up and move more in a fun way.

PS. If you copy and paste this and put it into a daily reminder on your phone you can make your own little app too….

Tones ‘Mindfulness for the body’ course.

This is a course to help those who have been unable to move due to pain, stiffness or illness for some time. The course helps you to start trusting your body again and explore moving safely. It explores the relationship between pain and fear and how we hold our bodies when we are in pain:

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Flow stretches for stretching out the body and mind-calming:

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Posture top tip: “The posture button exercise”: 

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Sitting low back exercise:,

Hip release stretch:

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Leg stretches:

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Fun core exercises on the gymball:

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Upper back stretches:

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Neck stretches:

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Jaw release:

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Shoulder blade release:

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Balance exercise:

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Arm stretches:

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Core for the upper back and prayer position

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Lower back core sequence:

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Have fun folks!