When am I ever going to get better?

The Amber Phase is when the mechanics of the joints are improving and the swelling and inflammation is dying down.  You can move better and you may even forget the pain for a little while.   When you see your chiropractor it does not hurt as ofen anymore, but the chiropractor can still pinpoint where the injury had occurred when examining the joint movement.  This means some tissues at the injury site might still be working on getting better, but it is not sending reminder messages to the brain about pain all the time.

Be aware!

We also call this the Critical Phase as this is the prime time for a re-injury to occur.  It is a little like the transport stretch when you go skiing and trying to get from one ski piste to another. It is slow and boring.   We all have a fantasy as mentioned earlier, that we are “supermen” and “superwomen” and that we all will heal miraculously fast!  We recommend you not to exercise on the day of the treatment and to be vigilant about working too hard with your body until we feel sure that you can cope with any physical strain.  Most people find it hard to rest and take it easy with their usual daily activities while recovering. What normally happens when you sit down and rest for a week, and stop all normal activities is that you may notice everything that needs to be done at home and all the cobwebs and paint work that needs doing.

So as soon as you are feeling better, you may go about life like a mad person doing all the chores you have ignored for a little while.  Superwoman/man to the rescue… maybe not!

The following day, when you go back to see the chiropractor, you may be feeling worse and you simply don’t know why, until we unravel the previous day’s activities. We always advocate normal activities when you are healing: we call it Active Rest, but not by overdoing it, nor lying all day on the sofa.  Recovery needs adequate movement.  Balance is the key!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

For us clinicians and for you as the patient, this is the slowest phase, as it seems to take so long. Patience is important here.  But the small microfibers in your muscles, ligaments, connective tissues and nervous system are busy healing, recovering and getting stronger slowly and surely.  Trust your body.

The muscles and connective tissues of the body need good food, nutrition, water and sensible activities.