Liz Witham, massage therapist here at Luck’s Yard Clinic offers pregnancy massage for mums to be:

During pregnancy, Mum-to-be experiences a whole array of changes to her body over this incredible journey, ranging from hormonal, postural, and even an increased blood volume, all playing a part in this wonderful wizardry by Mother Nature!

As your body physically changes your hips widen, you may get a bigger curve to your lower back, your centre of gravity changes and the extra weight may take its toll on your joints. Some sail through their pregnancy and others have a tough time both physically and mentally.  Pregnancy massage can help Mum-to-be take some well earned time out, to reset and to benefit from the many aspects of massage such as helping both the mind and body to relax, helping to relieve pregnancy aches and pains, reduce any anxiety, improve sleep (we all need that!) and to also help those swollen ankles!

During a pregnancy massage here at Lucks Yard, you will be side lying, and we enable you to feel safe and comfortable by using props, pillows and blankets to enable your most comfortable position. From this position we can access all important areas such as neck, lower back and legs which are often the most affected, especially in the later weeks. The treatment is tailored to your needs which will be discussed at the beginning of the appointment. Pressure isn’t too deep, but more focused on circulation, comfort and a feeling of relaxation.

I would love to see you here at the clinic and care for you at this most special time.  Please call Reception on 01483 527945 to book and appointment.

Read more about Liz and her massage therapy here:

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