We are inundated with so much information from various media sources about diet, healthy eating, the latest food fads and trends that all this advice can have the opposite effect and make us ‘stuck’ in our food habits and choices.  Being overwhelmed is not the way to make positive changes!

Having had many years of experience in seeing clients on a one to one basis as well as lecturing, doing talks to various groups and running workshops, I can understand how confusing all this advice can be.

As the theme of this month’s newsletter is change and new beginnings I just wanted to remind you that very simple, seemingly unimportant changes can really help you on the path to better health and wellbeing.

Here are a few of my top tips … but not too many!

Chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly.  This will help to stimulate digestive enzymes necessary for complete breakdown and digestion of foods.  You will also feel fuller more quickly so you can avoid overeating which can contribute to digestive discomfort.  Aim to take at least 20 minutes to eat a plate of food to give time for gut sensors and hormones to ‘kick in’ and alert your brain to satiety.


Always include protein and fats with breakfasts to help balance your blood sugar and give you a good foundation for making sensible choices throughout the day


Adding protein and beneficial fats (either animal or veg source) and plenty of fibre will help you to stay full for longer and also give you energy throughout the afternoon.


For blood sugar balance and to help avoid evening snacking, make sure ½ your plate is green and coloured veg or salads. The remaining ½ plate can be divided up so you are having a protein source, good fats and fibre.  Having a bowl of soup can be a useful way to fill up can help you to avoid overeating.

Always have a 12 hour gap (you can push this to 14 hours if you wish) between your evening meal and breakfast to give your digestive system the chance to rest, heal and regenerate.