We have some exciting news from the Green Hub Project for Teens

A couple of weeks ago Tone and Vanessa were delighted to welcome actor Kate Winslet to the garden at Luck’s Yard Clinic on a beautiful sunny day.

We first connected with Kate Winslet last December, after watching her powerful ‘I Am Ruth’ drama about a mother coping with her teenage daughter’s mental health breakdown. She and the programme went on to win two BAFTAs.  If you haven’t seen it we recommend you watch it – a powerful and moving drama which address so many of the issues surrounding social media use that affect young people today.  You can find it on More4 catch up.

The fact that it was filmed on location in Godalming and the synergy with the work that we are doing with teenagers and parents was potent. We just knew we needed to connect with her and so asked everyone on our list if they could help us make contact … less than three days after it was broadcast, Kate got in touch. The universe truly is a powerful thing!

Kate’s filming commitments made a visit earlier in the year impossible but, last week

She drove up to see Tone & Vanessa, our Co-Founders, at the Green Hub garden behind Luck’s Yard Clinic in Milford. It was magical! She is very connected with nature and loves to grow things at home; she especially enjoyed walking around the garden and spotting our various tomato, squash and courgette varieties!

Kate loves what we are doing and has agreed to become a proactive supporter for the Green Hub!! We were really honoured that she gave us her time and attention – the awareness and exposure that she can bring to what we are doing could be truly game-changing.

You can listen to Vanessa’s interview about Kate’s visit to the Green Hub Garden on BBC Radio Surrey here:
