We are fast approaching the start of the new school year, and as parents we are all making frantic preparations so our children have everything that they need for the start of term.

Buying shoes is often the less pleasurable aspect of this, particularly when our children are fashion conscious and have their own ideas!  This can become a little tricky when children have foot problems or need intervention with orthotics.

Please remember not to rush your purchase if possible as children’s toes are so easily moulded to the shape we put them in.

Key advice would be:

  • Go to a reputable general shoe shop /trainer running store and get your children’s feet measured and for appropriate advice to be given.
  • Don’t be encouraged to buy shoes if they have toys hidden in the shoe or flashy lights!!
  • Look for firm deep heel cups, deep toe box with firm material where possible and a good fastener (lace ups or double velcros ) to ensure minimum movement in shoes.
  • When you are using older shoes make sure they are well heeled and not to worn and ensure that the material is still firm around the heel and side of the foot.
  • If you are concerned that even with the above advice your children’s foot is still moving about in the shoe or child still seems unsupported, see professional advice.
  • Children are prepared to listen a fair bit more to professionals who are often more able to discourage them away from shoes that ‘bling’ and towards more practical and functional footwear.

To get the right advice and reassurance, do come and see a member of our podiatry team who will happily advise on style of shoes, where to shop and of course advice on any Biomechanical issues. Yvette Mann  runs her clinic (Yvette Mann Podiatry) from Luck’s Yard in Milford.

She can be contacted by phone on 01483 310298 or enquiries@yvettemannpodiatry.co.uk

Don’t forget our feet are our foundation and it is so important that we respect them and treat them well!!!

Photo by cottonbro studio: pexels.com