With the start of the new school term looming one of the things that can really help your child to learn and focus is getting them to eat something for breakfast and I’m not talking about a packet of crisps and fizzy drink bought on the way to school!

Why is breakfast important?

Children’s brains are like sponges soaking up loads of information and as a result the brain uses up enormous amounts of energy.

What we feed our children can have an impact on their mood, concentration, attention span and the ability to learn.

In fact a study by Cardiff University found that children who ate breakfast were twice as likely to do well in tests than children who either did not eat at all or snacked on crisps or sweets.  5000 children were questioned about what they ate over a 24-hour period and the odds of scoring above average in tests was up to 100% higher if they had eaten breakfast – either at home or in a school breakfast club.

Breakfast is a particularly important meal for children.  If breakfast is skipped then blood sugar levels can fall rapidly leading to symptoms including anxiety, aggression, lack of concentration, fatigue, headaches, panic attacks, tears and mood swings – not exactly conducive to learning in the classroom.

Children often experience mood swings and sometimes erratic behaviour but cannot express how they are feeling through words.  Inevitably it is their actions that we take note of especially if they are trying our patience!

Some ideas for breakfasts

Here are a few ideas to introduce some variety into breakfast times and tempt your children to eat.

Firstly, try to throw out your preconceptions of what a breakfast should be.  Most of us think along the lines of something sweet, be it a cereal, toast and jam or croissants and these are the kinds of foods that are marketed as being ‘breakfast’ foods.  But, when it comes to children (and adults too) it is worth thinking outside the box offering some other ideas which may go down better or at least offer a healthier alternative.

Lots of children say they are just not hungry in the morning so it’s a question of tempting them to eat at least a little bit of something:

  • Smoothie (http://www.lucksyardclinic.com/breakfast-smoothie/)
  • Some fruit and chunks of cheese eg slices of apple, pear, berries etc.  Add chunks of whatever cheese they like.
  • Proper porridge oats (not a pre-packed variety).  If you soak overnight in milk (dairy or plant based) or water it will be quicker to cook.  Add in spoon of ground almonds (if nuts are acceptable) and fresh fruit.
  • Toasted mini bagel with variety of toppings: marmite, cheese or try a nut butter (if appropriate) which is a good source of protein.
  • Yoghurt or fromage frais (full fat).  Buying plain varieties and adding your own fruit is a healthier option.  You could add a spoon of crunchy granola on top rather than a whole bowl of cereal.
  • Carrot sticks or slices of red pepper/cucumber/celery and dip such as hummous or tzaiki
  • Crackers with some ham or salami
  • Cheesey oatcakes with butter or cream cheese spread (also breadsticks with spread or dip)
  • Beans on toast or grilled cheese on toast cut into fingers

Try to avoid sugary breakfast cereals and juice drinks that have added sugar. Remember that pure fruit juices are also a source of sugar so try to encourage your child to try plain water or a glass of milk both of which are better options.  Excess sugar leads to unhappy, hyped-up kids and causes a rollercoaster of blood sugar levels which makes it difficult for children to concentrate and tough on teachers too!

When all else fails, a homemade energy ball or flapjack could be the answer!

photo: pexel.com krisztina papp