Mindfulness For The Body with Tone Tellefsen-Hughes

Welcome to Tone’s course on mindfulness for the body, designed to increase your awareness of your body’s messages and provide you with simple yet effective exercises to reduce tension and stress.

The structure of the chapters allows you to visit them in any order – so either listen to all the discussion chapters before you embark on the exercises, or intersperse the exercise chapters along the way!

Our recommendations for navigating this course:

When you first view the course you may want to watch it in one sitting to take in all the teachings. Then you may wish to interact… working through each chapter in detail and making notes in your workbook to help inform your practice.

Our structure supports both options by providing:

  1. A continuous play option allowing you to view the theory section in full, uninterrupted – to view this click here.
  2. Modules and chapters so you can quickly pick out the chapter you wish to revisit – we keep this chapters short and to-the-point so you can easily incorporate watching one into a busy day. The modules and chapters are listed below.

Full Course Content

Individual Modules

Mindfulness For The Body – Introduction


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Mindfulness For The Body – Theory


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Mindfulness For The Body – Exercises


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Mindfulness For The Body – Additional Materials


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What people are saying about Tone …

Tone Tellefsen Hughes eloquently presents us with a pathway to health through movement and musculoskeletal fitness. Gently bringing our attention to our activities of daily living, their stresses and long-term ill effects, along with the insighful descriptions of how we ignore or deny our physical and emotional stress and pain, and help in creating body awareness combined with movement presents the opportunity for the ever plastic human brain to direct the body towards healing and rejuvenation.

Dr Sharon Vallone

I think this course is terrific! I like so many things about it, but briefly: you deliver the information in such a calm and logical way, with useful explanations, which makes it easy to understand and to do. I like the way you tell what the exercises are good for by giving specific examples of what situations in life might cause the type of tension you are trying to help – it makes the exercises much more relevant, instead of just being “good for you”.

Amy Wood